Watch Cuties Online

Originally Mignonnes; Amy, an 11-year-old girl, joins a group of dancers named "the cuties" at school, and swiftly grows aware of her burgeoning femininity - upsetting her mother and her values in the process.

The story is about a girl name Amy, she is just 11-year-old and willing to join a group of dancers called ‘The Cuties’ at her school. While she enjoys dancing and performing with her ‘Cuties’ at school, she starts to understand the swiftly growth in her feminine energy. It might upset her mother and the system that she is asked to follow. Her mother is very concern about her but besides, Amy want to go with flow and embrace her Feminineness.

It will be interesting to see the film as it talks about very controversial ideas. The film is being discussed on social media site twitter and has faced lots of criticism too. It would be interesting to see your views on the film and if it’s really affecting the children’s’ thought process. 'Cuties' is originally titled ‘Mignonnes’ and made in various languages available to watch on Netflix. 

Let's Watch Cuties Movie Online.


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